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Originative Design Association (O.D.A.), established in 2006, its work is always combined with the spirit of architecture, art and design, craftsmanship and new technology as a concept. This is achieved through a working methodology of collaborative rational inquiry, undertaken in a spirit of curiosity and experimentation.
Our design expertise itself comes from different disciplines which include architectural planning, development construction management, interior design, product design, graphic design, brand strategy, art curator.
原 設計聯合事務所成立於2006年,是秉持結合建築、藝術設計、工藝與現代科技為理念且具整合企劃能力的多元經營設計組織,團隊有不同國籍及不同領域的專業設計、藝術創意及技術者,其面向包含建築規劃、開發營建、室內設計、產品設計、平面設計、品牌規劃、藝術策展。
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