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博得供應鏈股份有限公司 / Port Alliance


博得供應鏈股份有限公司 (Port Alliance) 是以經營全球陸海空運輸物流及各國倉儲業務為事業體主軸。在概念發想上是把海運、陸上、航空三種運輸方式的「傳遞」和「速度變化」等抽象慨念圖象化(平面化)後,讓不同型態與速度感的線型成為本案主要的元素,在速度不停流動中形成公司英文名稱Port Alliance 的縮寫PA,使其無論在明視度與視覺辨識度上都能創造最大之形象識別效益。集團的企業色系以「藍」、「白」、「灰」營塑象徵湛藍天空海岸的明亮相意象,在整體標誌上,不管是從上住下,或從下住上都能看出是英文字PA,藉以隱喻企業上天下地、四通八達、包羅萬象的企業精神。


Port Alliance - Visual Identity

Port Alliance is dedicated to global sea land air logistics and transport, also globalwarehousing business. The initial idea was to turn abstract concepts such as “transmit”,“speed change” of sea land air transport into two-dimensional images. The lines of
different forms and speed are the main element of this work. Weaving and racing lines form the letters P and A for Port Alliances, making it clear in visibility and recognizability.
Blue, white and grey, which signals the bright images of blue skies and seas, are chosen as the colors of the company. As for the logo itself, the letters P and A are recognizable both upwards and downwards, a metaphor for the connection from top to bottom, and its comprehensiveness.

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