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反璞歸真 / Enough Design

客 戶 : 鍾 宅
空 間 性 質 : 住 宅 空 間
坐 落 位 置 : 台 灣 新 竹 寶 山
設 計 時 間 : 2013 年
設 計 單 位 : 原  設 計 聯 合 事 務 所
參 與 者 : 陳 俊 嘉  




“足夠的” 是本案的設計主軸,大自然是最好的設計元素,建築與空間內不需過多的設計元素與裝飾豪華的材質搭配,設計上考量將周遭地景與建築連結並將大自然的景色大量引導入室內成為空間的一部分,不論在X 軸Y 軸Z 軸都能有都有環境的對應風景。






Enough Design


“Enough” is the main concept behind this design. Nature is the best design element, therefore the building and its spaces do not require excessive design or luxurious decorations. The style
connects the surrounding scenery with the architecture, and inserts natural scenery into part of the interior spacing. Corresponding environmental sceneries are seen on an X, Y and Z axis.


The outer appearance is colored in light grey, while the interior is filled with natural lighting, with windows that effectively reduce the interference with the environment. With the terrain and
climate in mind, pools and trees are placed outside the living room to form a microclimate. Inside, wooden floors and midair stairs are used to make the space light and warm. White
semitransparent silk, which floats with the breeze is used for curtains, expressing simplicity and leisure.


No complicated architecture style, only surrounded by

natural environment; “that's enough”.
No complicated space structure, only echoing beauty;

“that's enough”.
No complacent details, only simplicity and directness;

“that's enough”.
Happiness and contentment far from the bustling city;

“that's enough”.

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